Thursday, October 12, 2006

10 Step To Install MYSQL

Installation MYSQL

Tested at FEDORA 5
<--- begin="" from="" here---="">

1. Download the installation file
Use this (just copy and paste)

if new version release - use this command inside your command line

2. Unzip the download file
tar -zxvf mysql-standard-5.0.26-linux-i686.tar.gz

3. Move the directory and rename to mysql
mv mysql-standard-5.0.22-linux-i686 /usr/local/mysql

4. Installing all prepared tables
Fill help tables
cd /usr/local/mysql

5. Create mysql user
groupadd mysql
useradd -g mysql mysql

Configure Permission
cd ..
chown -R root.mysql mysql
chmod -R 640 mysql
chmod -R u+X,g+X mysql
chmod -R ug+x mysql/bin
chmod -R g+w mysql/data
chmod -R u+x mysql/scripts
cp mysql/support-files/my-medium.cnf /usr/local/mysql/data/my.cnf
chgrp mysql mysql/data/my.cnf
cd mysql

6.Starting mysqld daemon
cd .; ./bin/mysqld_safe &

7.Check process
ps ax | grep msql
Output --> 2906 pts/1 S 0:00 grep msql
id;uname -a
Ouput --> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)
Linux trackptg 2.4.21-32.EL #1 Fri Apr 15 21:29:19 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

8.Set MYSQL password
bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'yourpassword'

9. Configure Mysql Service on Startup
cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
chmod 744 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
chkconfig --add mysql
service mysql restart
ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql /sbin/mysql

mysql -u root -p
Output --> Enter password:******
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8 to server version: 5.0.22-standard-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Let's Learn VI (Powerful Text Editor For Linux)

This basic command VI (powerful text editor for Linux user in commandline). I like to remember and practice the command.

Starting an Editing Session

vi filename - where filename is the name of the file to be edited.

Undo Command
u undo the last command.

Screen Commands

Reprints current screen.
Exposes one more line at top of screen.
Exposes one more line at bottom of screen.
Pages forward one screen.
Pages back one screen.
Pages down half screen.
Pages up half screen.

Cursor Positioning Commands
j Moves cursor down one line, same column.
k Moves cursor up one line, same column.
h Moves cursor back one character.
l Moves cursor forward one character.
RET Moves cursor to beginning of next line.
0 Moves cursor to beginning of current line.
$ Moves cursor to end of current line.
SPACE Moves cursor forward one character.
nG Moves cursor to beginning of line n. Default is last line of file.
0 Moves the cursor to the first character of the line.
:n Moves cursor to beginning of line n.
b Moves the cursor backward to the beginning of the previous word.
e Moves the cursor backward to the end of the previous word.
w Moves the cursor forward to the next word.

/pattern Moves cursor forward to next occurrence of pattern.
?pattern Moves cursor backward to next occurrence of pattern.
n Repeats last / or ? pattern search.

Text Insertion Commands

a Appends text after cursor. Terminated by escape key.
A Appends text at the end of the line. Terminated the escape key.
i Inserts text before cursor. Terminated by the escape key.
I Inserts text at the beginning of the line. Terminated by the escape key.
o Opens new line below the current line for text insertion. Terminated by the escape key.
O Opens new line above the current line for text insertion. Terminated by the escape key.
DEL Overwrites last character during text insertion.
ESC Stops text insertion. The escape key on the DECstations is the F11 key.

Text Deletion Commands

x Deletes current character.
dd Deletes current line.
dw Deletes the current word.
d) Deletes the rest of the current sentence.
D, d$ Deletes from cursor to end of line.
P Puts back text from the previous delete.

Changing Commands

cw Changes characters of current word until stopped with escape key.
c$ Changes text up to the end of the line.
C, cc Changes remaining text on current line until stopped by pressing the escape key.
~ Changes case of current character.
xp Transposes current and following characters.
J Joins current line with next line.
s Deletes the current character and goes into the insertion mode.
rx Replaces current character with x.
R Replaces the following characters until terminated with the escape key.

Cut and Paste Commands

yy Puts the current line in a buffer. Does not delete the line from its current position.
p Places the line in the buffer after the current position of the cursor.

Appending Files into Current File

:R filename
Inserts the file filename where the cursor was before the ``:'' was typed.

Exiting vi

ZZ Exits vi and saves changes.
:wq Writes changes to current file and quits edit session.
:q! Quits edit session (no changes made).

Sunday, October 08, 2006

How To Remove New Variant Commwarrior

Incident History
Yesteday I visited my mother at Kuala Lumpur because of fasting months. There some how, my brother received a sms and open it. Because of that the handphone got infected with this virus. My handphone started sending sms and mms. When i switch on my bluetooth in my Laptop, it also trying to send the virus into the laptop. After 6 hours finding the solution in the internet . I solve it with this solution and i hope we can share the experience and i'm happy to hear any comments from other about this solution.

Sign and Symptoms

The variant dubbed Commwarrior.C, will launch a process named “cwoutcast” once it install itself in the infected device. It will send MMS message to certain devices non-stop.
The difference between this variant and the previous Commwarrior are:
* This variant has a safe mode in the background process that gives the smart phone user a hard time to remove it by just following normal virus clearing procedure.

* Even if you can locate the virus in the disk and delete it, the remaining process in the memory will regenerate the same files in the corresponding disk, and this is why this variant is considered un-beatable.
* This variant, same as its ancestor, can also spread itself through bluetooth, only in a more aggressive way. It can spread itself to several devices through bluetooth simultaneously.
* It will infect your MMC card, so that when you send information to your friends with your MMC card, you will possibly have sent the virus to them as well.

Removal Steps:
Kill Commwarrior Process
  1. Install a third-party file manager. For example FExplorer
  2. Start FExplorer
  3. Select and copy any file to clipboard
    • Navigate file system with navigation button. Press right to enter directory, left to leave directory.
    • Select C: and press right, select system and press right
    • Select any file from c:\system such as backup.xml
    • Select Edit/Copy from menu
  4. Copy the file to E:\system\temp
    • Press left until you are at filesystem selection screen
    • Select E: and press right
    • Select System and press right, and then temp and press right
    • Select Edit/Paste from menu
  5. Rename the file to noboot
    • Select File/Rename from menu
    • Rename the copied file to noboot
  6. Reboot the phone
Second Step -Install any removal tool ( I use Symantec)

download and run the tool

Follow these steps to download and run the tool:
  1. Download the SymcMTRT.sis file from the following URL:

    • The current version of the tool is version 1.0.5.
    • The certificate details are as follows:

      Symbian Limited
      Symantec Corporation
      Serial number:
      Valid from:
  2. Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Windows desktop.
  3. Load the SymcMTRT.sis removal tool file onto the compromised device.
  4. In the Symbian OS Menu, open the Tools folder.
  5. Open the File Mngr. program.
  6. Locate the SymcMTRT.sis file and open it.
  7. Click Yes when you see the following message:

    Install Symantec Mobile Threats Removal Tool?
  8. Choose Continue and then click OK.
  9. Click Exit to exit the file manager.
  10. Click Back to exit the Tools folder.
  11. Open the SymcMTRT application.

  12. Click Options, select Quick Scan, and then click Select.
  13. Choose Yes or No when the following message appears:

    Would you like to create a log file as C:\Nokia\SymcMTRT.LOG?
  14. One of two messages will appear:

    Scanning Completed!
    The removal was successful.

    Directories deleted:[NUMBER OF DIRECTORIES]
    Files deleted:[NUMBER OF FILES]

    Scanning Complete!
    No threat has been found on your device

  15. Click Close to exit the removal tool.
  16. Restart the device.
  17. Run the removal tool again to ensure that the device is clean.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

First Posting

Teratak pada zaman dahulu terletak ditengah bendang/sawah padi. Tempat rehat untuk melepas lelah selepas penat menanam padi. Tapi zaman sekarang dah tak ada dah ... jarang-jarang ada bendang/sawah padi yang mempunyai teratak. Jadi aku nama kan blog aku ni teratak sebab dulu-dulu masa kecik aku suka dok kat teratak ni. Menengok matahari naik atau turun .. seronok woo ... Sedeh nyer bila teringat masa dulu.

Tapi kini - teratak-buluh blog tempat aku , kengkawan dan pelawat untuk melepaskan lelah dan berehat. Aku cuba untuk meringkas seringkas mungkin apa yg ingin aku paparkan kat sini. Arios

Salam Sayang Untuk Semua

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