Saturday, December 31, 2016

Installation Redmine , PhpMyAdmin and Webmin On Centos 7

Dependencies, dependencies, dependencies
We are dealing with many different software components, and along with them, their dependencies. Installing Ruby requires a C compiler and HTTPD development modules are required for other components.

System Pre-requisites
These are the external packages available as RPMs in the default CentOS repositories.

# Install the various dependencies available through yum
sudo yum -y install zlib-devel curl-devel openssl-devel httpd-devel apr-devel apr-util-devel mysql-devel ftp wget ImageMagick-devel

# For passenger, which is itself another dependency, you'll need the C++ Compiler
sudo yum install gcc-c++

# Download and add the MySQL repository
sudo rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm

# Update everything
sudo yum update
Install Ruby
First, download ruby from the most reliable of sources (or download it on a separate machine and FTP it into your machine).

# Create your own Downloads folder
mkdir ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads

# Download the Ruby source files

# Un-tar-gz the archive
tar -zxvf ./ruby-2.3.1.tar.gz
Next, install Ruby.

# Building it from source code
cd ruby-2.3.1
sudo make

# Install Ruby
sudo make install

# Check if installed
ruby -v
which ruby
Install RubyGems
To determine what is the latest version of RubyGems go to the RubyGems Download Page. There, you can get the link to the TGZ (or download it to FTP into your machine).

# Switch to root (enter your own root password)
su root
Password: **********

# Download the latest version of RubyGems
mkdir ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads

# Un-tar-gz the archive
tar -zxvf ./rubygems-2.6.6.tgz
Next, install RubyGems.

# Install using Ruby
cd rubygems-2.6.6
ruby setup.rb

# Check if installed
gem -v
which gem

# Exit root (if you haven't already)

Install Passenger

Move the original folder apache conf.d

mv /etc/httpd/conf.d /etc/httpd/conf.d-original

Create a new folder and virtual host file for Passenger :

mkdir /etc/httpd/conf.d
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf

For This Installation

After completed, we copy a notification block in the window to create the configuration file in the next steps (select block notification and press C to copy).

LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/passenger-5.1.1/buildout/apache2/
     PassengerRoot /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/passenger-5.1.1
     PassengerDefaultRuby /usr/local/bin/ruby

Paste the command blocks into the empty file and save it, then restart the Apache service.

service httpd restart

The full name of the Passenger is Phusion Passenger, known as mod_rails or mod_rack, it is a web application intergrate with Apache and it can operate as a standalone web server support for the Ruby On Rails applications.

Execute the following commands :

gem install passenger

For New Installation

After completed, we copy a notification block in the window to create the configuration file in the next steps (select block notification and press C to copy).

LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/passenger-5.1.1/buildout/apache2/
     PassengerRoot /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/passenger-5.1.1
     PassengerDefaultRuby /usr/local/bin/ruby

Paste the command blocks into the empty file and save it, then restart the Apache service.

service httpd restart

Install MySQL Server
MySQL Server repository for CentOS is not included in the default installation. You will need to download and add it. Refer to the prerequisites in a previous section. Assuming the repository is included, run the following:

# Install MySQL Server
sudo yum install mysql-server

# Verify that it is running
sudo chkconfig mysqld on
sudo systemctl start mysqld

# Configure root password. Note that initial password is blank, just hit .
Next, create a Redmine database and account.

# Access MySQL as root
mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: **********

# Create Redmine database
mysql> create database redmine character set utf8;

# Create associated redmine account
mysql> create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'my_password';
mysql> grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> exit;

Install Redmine
Redmine is a main program of the project management system, we will download and install the program from the website of Redmine.

# Download the latest version of Redmine
cd ~/Downloads

# Un-tar-gz the archive
tar -zxvf redmine-3.3.0.tar.gz

# Move it to an appropriate location
sudo mv ./redmine-3.3.0 /var/www/redmine

Configuring the Database

The next, we need to configure the database was created from the above steps.

cd /var/www/redmine/config
cp database.yml.example database.yml
vi database.yml

All lines in the file should be commented out except for the following, with the appropriate entries for password and database credentials configured in a previous section.

  adapter: mysql2
  database: redmine
  host: localhost
  username: redmine
  password: "********"
  encoding: utf8

Setting up Rails
Install the package library support for Rails using the Bundle.

cd /var/www/redmine
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake generate_secret_token

If got error

/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/htmlentities-4.3.1/lib/htmlentities/mappings/expanded.rb:465: warning: key "inodot" is duplicated and overwritten on line 466

vi /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/htmlentities-4.

Search the duplicate key "inodot" on line 466

  # This table added by Philip (flip) Kromer
  # using the mapping by John Cowan (25 July 1997) at
  # The following table maps SGML character entities from various
  # public sets (namely, ISOamsa, ISOamsb, ISOamsc, ISOamsn, ISOamso,
  # ISOamsr, ISObox, ISOcyr1, ISOcyr2, ISOdia, ISOgrk1, ISOgrk2,
  # ISOgrk3, ISOgrk4, ISOlat1, ISOlat2, ISOnum, ISOpub, ISOtech,
  # HTMLspecial, HTMLsymbol) to corresponding Unicode characters.
  # The table has five tab-separated fields:
  #     :bare   => SGML character entity name
  #     :hex    => Unicode 2.0 character code
  #     :entity => SGML character entity
  #     :type   => SGML public entity set
  #     :udesc  => Unicode 2.0 character name (UPPER CASE)
  # Entries which don't have Unicode equivalents have "0x????" for
  # :hex and a lower case :udesc (from the public entity set DTD).
search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM'ijlig'=> 0x0133,   # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ
    'imacr'=> 0x012b,   # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITHH MACRON
    'image'=> 0x2111,   # xhtml      BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I
    'incare'=> 0x2105,   # CARE OF
    'infin'=> 0x221e,   # xhtml      INFINITY
    'inodot'=> 0x0131,   #    dupLATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESSS I
    'inodot'=> 0x0131,   #    dupLATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESSS I <---- delete="" line="" p="" this="">    'int'=> 0x222b,   # xhtml      INTEGRAL
    'intcal'=> 0x22ba,   # INTERCALATE
    'IOcy'=> 0x0401,   # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IIO
    'iocy'=> 0x0451,   # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
    'iogon'=> 0x012f,   # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITHH OGONEK

The next, we create the database table for the Redmine application.

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

Activate FCGI

cd /var/www/redmine/public
mkdir plugin_assets
cp dispatch.fcgi.example dispatch.fcgi
cp htaccess.fcgi.example .htaccess

Setting up Apache and FastCGI

cd /var/www/
rpm --import
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum -y install mod_fcgid
rm -rf epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

Creating Files Directory
This directory contains data files generated during the operation of Redmine as document or image file, we create a new directory in the "/opt".

mkdir -p /opt/redmine/files
chown -R apache:apache /opt/redmine
cd /var/www/redmine/config
cp configuration.yml.example configuration.yml
vi configuration.yml

Enter the directory path containing the data files you just created in the previous step into the line "attachments_storage_path".

Note: You must add a space at the begin of the path "/opt/redmine/files" after character ":"

Configuring Email
Another very important function of Redmine is using email to notify members when the contents of each project changes, Redmine can use many different methods to send email that is Sendmail, SMTP, GMail ...

To configure the email we will edit the configuration file.

nano /var/www/redmine/config/configuration.yml
The simplest is you use features of the default SendMail in the Centos OS by settings :

   delivery_method: :sendmail
Note : Do not use the Tab key to indent when editing the configuration file, you need to use the space bar on the keyboard.

If you use GMail's SMTP, you need to register an email account with the login methods used password normal and disable two-step authentication by smart phone.

Enter your Gmail account as below :

   delivery_method: :smtp
        enable_starttls_auto: true
        address: ""
        port: 587
        domain: ""
        authentication: :plain
        user_name: ""
        password: "your_password"
Save the file configuration and exit.

Create Virtual Host for Redmine
Create an Apache configuration file for the Redmine application at the port 80.

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/redmine.conf

Copy the text below and paste into the editor window, note the information to change your domain name.

        ServerName your_domain
        DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine/public/
        ErrorLog logs/redmine_error_log
                Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
                AllowOverride all

Save the file configuration and exit.

Permissions, permissions, permissions
With CentOS, you get SELinux. Security comes with a cost, and if that cost is some additional lines of code in addition to the usual chmod and chown,
that's not too bad, right?

# Allow requests on TCP ports 80 and 443 through
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

# Change ownership of Redmine folder to Apache
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/redmine

# Change access permissions to Redmine folder
sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/www/redmine

# Enable the serving of files off Apache
sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/redmine

# Allow httpd to write only to specific folders
sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/redmine/log
sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/redmine/tmp/cache
sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/redmine/files

# Enable sending of emails
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
As with all configurations done to Apache and its folders, a restart is necessary.

# Restart Apache once again
sudo systemctl restart httpd

Install PHP and phpMyAdmin
Because we use MySQL database management system, so we need to install phpMyAdmin program management.

phpMyAdmin is a free open source tool written by PHP language to manage MySQL database via a web browser.

It can create, modify or delete databases, tables, fields or records, perform SQL statements, or managing users and permissions.

The command to install PHP and the packages :

yum -y install php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mbstring php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-pecl-apc php-soap
yum -y install php-gd php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-snmp php-soap curl curl-devel

systemctl restart httpd.service

phpMyAdmin installation
phpMyAdmin is a web interface through which you can manage your MySQL databases.
phpMyAdmin can now be installed as follows:

yum install phpMyAdmin

Now we configure phpMyAdmin. We change the Apache configuration so that phpMyAdmin allows connections not just from localhost (by commenting out the stanza):
We also will configure Virtual Host to run on port 8080 because port 80 is using by Redmine

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf

Alias /phpMyAdmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin
Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin

     # Apache 2.4
     #  Require ip
     #  Require ip ::1
        Require all granted
     # Apache 2.2
     Order Deny,Allow
     Deny from All
     Allow from
     Allow from ::1


#Add Virtual Host run on port 8080

    DocumentRoot /usr/share/phpmyadmin/

We also need to add the command to allows listening on the port 8080 in the file "httpd.conf"

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the
# directive.
# Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to
# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
Listen 80
Listen 8080

Next we change the authentication in phpMyAdmin from cookie to http:
vi /etc/phpMyAdmin/

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'http';    // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?

# Allow requests on TCP ports 8080 through
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Restart Apache:
systemctl restart  httpd.service

Afterwards, you can access phpMyAdmin under

Install Webmin on CentOS 7

Step 1. First add Webmin official repository.

Webmin isn’t available in the default CentOS repositories, you must add its repository to your system before installing. To do that, run the commands below to create a repository file for Webmin:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

And add the following lines:

name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

We’ll need to install webmin GPG key now, using following command:

rpm --import jcameron-key.asc

Next step is to update the repositories and all available package updates, to make sure we’re installing the latest version of Webmin. Run following command:

yum check-update

Step 2. Install Webmin.

Install Webmin with the following command:

yum install webmin -y

Start the service and make it start automatically every time you reboot your server:

chkconfig webmin on
service webmin start

By default, Webmin will listen on port 10000. Enable webmin port:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=10000/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

Step 3. Access Webmin.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Linkstation tidak boleh akses shared folder dalam Windows 10

Windows 10 dan Linkstation error 


Keluar notifikasi

\\server is 
not accessible. You might not have permission to access . bla bla bla ....

Solusi :
- Launch the "Credential Manager" in Windows 10 (search for it in the start menu)
- Open "Windows Credentials"
- Click "Add a Windows credential"
Internet or Network Address: \\servername (replace with the Netbios-name of your cloudstation, or use IP)
User name: servername\username (replace with netbios-name and the username you are connecting with)
Password: Self-explanitory

Hope it works for you!

Monday, July 04, 2016

Merekabentuk Pangkalan Data

Merekabentuk Pangkalan Data

Ini saya sharekan video yang dibuat oleh En. Firdaus. Seorang pegawai di KPM. Semoga ilmu yang dikongsikan ini menjadi amal jariah pada beliau.Terdapat pelbagai tutorial , terima kasih pada En. Firdaus kerana berjaya membuat tutorial yg membantu para junior dan orang tiada basic  sangat tentang pangkalan data.

Seperti yang diketahui umum semakin besar saiz data , semakin komplek dan semakin mencabar untuk menguruskan satu pangkalan data. Oleh itu keperluan untukmerancang di peringkat awal memudahkan penyelenggaraan pada masa akan datang.

Marilah kita mengaplikasikan idea-idea yang beliau gunakan dalam video ini.


Navicat Premium

- MySQL -



Video Youtube

Penulis/Penerbit Video Youtube

Thursday, June 02, 2016

5 kegunaan command netstat atau /sbin/ss

Kita boleh guna netstat atau command /sbin/ss untuk banyak pekara. Berikut dipaparkan sebahagian daripadanya:
1. Show who is connected to your system
One of the most useful things you can do with netstat is show exactly who is connected to your system either through an incoming or outgoing connection (whether it is your system which initiated it or the other system). This will simply list all of them:
netstat -a
Look at the "Foreign Address" column to see where the connection is coming from, and "Local Address" to see what on the local machine is it connected.
The following command will show just the TCP (-t) and UDP (-u) connections:
netstat -tua
If you want to turn off hostnames, or domain names, and display only IP numbers just add the -n option.
netstat -tuan
If you want it to display this continuously to see as connections come and go add the -c option.
netstat -tuanc
Needless to say, perhaps, with IP addresses of everyone connecting revealed you can use other tools like traceroute to determine where exactly is it coming from.
2. Show listening ports
If you'd like to see which services are actually listening for incoming connections, perhaps to ensure you don't have something listening that you don't want to be listening, just use the -l option.
netstat -l
You can also limit this to only a specific type of traffic, like TCP in this example (for UDP just use -u):
netstat -lt
3. Find the port used by a program
We can get a little bit more specific by combining the netstat command with other common UNIX utilities like grep, in this example, where we make it easier to find which port is used by a program. We use grep to conveniently dig this info out of the netstat output:
netstat -ap | grep znc
In this example we get a list of all connections mentioning ZNC with the ports it is using, and addresses it is connected to.
4. Check on the routing table
With netstat you can easily see the kernel IP routing table being used on your system using the -r option:
netstat -r
5. Show all statistics
Being a statistics utility you can of course see a summary of a great number of statistics about your system's networking. Just run the netstat command with the -s option:
netstat -s
This will display a huge list of statistics, but you'll immediately recognize the most interesting ones depending on what you're looking for. For example you can see a total number of packets received, number of active TCP connections, and a number of extended more detailed statistics for each protocol.
These examples are based on netstat in Linux, where it has been succeeded by the ss command from the iproute2 package, but it should apply to most UNIX and UNIX like systems. You can also check the manual page readily available via the man netstat command for more information.

CentOS 7 dalam VMWare Workstation Problem Tak Ada Network

Huish ni la nak cuba bertukar distro plak ... try guna CentOS plak yek. CentOS yg diinstall plak minimal aje. Masa nak configure network dan didapati plak x de network devide padahal kat VM dah set.

Kita kena edit fail *.vmx :
Tambah code dalam fail tu sebaik-baiknya kat network punya part.
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"

Alhamdulillah dah jalan da ...

Monday, February 01, 2016

Cara Skim Cepat Kaya - Waran BSKL

"Waran dan pelaburan jangka masa panjang - kedua-duanya rapat bagai siang dan malam, timur dan barat?" Orang ramai selalu mengaitkan pelabur waran dengan spekulator, pedagang dan pengarbitraj. Terutama sekali dalam pasaran tempatan, waran seperti direka khas untuk pelabur runcit kerana kemeruapannya dan kerana harga setiap waran hanya beberapa sen.

Bagaimanapun, mari kita lihat asas waran untuk mereka yang kurang mengetahui. Buku teks menjelaskan waran sebagai alat yang memberi hak kepada pemegang saham untuk membeli saham dalam syarikat sandaran pada harga dan jangka masa tertentu. Waran membolehkan anda berdagang secara agresif pada harga masa hadapan. Jika anda percaya harga saham akan naik, anda akan mendapat pulangan lebih tinggi daripada pelaburan dalam waran daripada saham sandaran. Begitu juga kalau anda silap dan sebaliknya harga saham jatuh, maka kerugian yang anda tanggung juga lebih besar. Hubung kait ini ataupun pengkalian di mana harga waran naik relatif kepada harga sandaran saham dikenali gearing.

Contohnya, jika anda membeli waran syarikat A pada kos 10 sen pada masa harga sahamnya RM1, gearing ialah 10x (dikira seperti berikut : RM1/RM0.10). Ini bermakna, secara teori, jika harga saham itu naik 10 peratus (10 sen), harga waran sepatutnya naik 100 peratus (10 sen kenaikan ke atas kos 10 sen).

Sekarang, saya akan jelaskan sesuatu yang menarik. Pertama, apa kata anda jika saya memberitahu ada syarikat yang boleh anda labur, yang mana harga saham mereka boleh meningkat lima kali ganda atau lebih dalam beberapa tahun? Kedua, bagaimana pula jika anda mempunyai kuasa untuk meningkatkan pencapaian beberapa kali lagi? Anda boleh mencapai yang pertama dengan membeli saham kitar pada masa harga rendah (contohnya - harga saham MPI meningkat 11 kali ganda antara Ogos 1998 dan Februari 2000) dan mencapai yang kedua dengan menggunakan waran untuk "gearing".

Gabungkan kedua-duanya dan anda akan memiliki satu strategi yang kukuh! Hanya satu teori? Fikir sekali lagi. Waran Hong Leong Industries, syarikat induk MPI, meningkat sebanyak 46 kali ganda antara suku tahun ketiga 1998 dan suku tahun pertama 2000. Pada masa yang sama, waran AIC naik sebanyak 35 kali, waran Gamuda -WI 38 kali dan waran CAH-W 24 kali. Saya sedar contoh yang digunakan berlaku pada masa krisis ekonomi Asia 1997/98.

Ini menyebabkan asas menjadi amat rendah dan kenaikan harga kelihatan lebih dahsyat apabila pasaran mula pulih. Namun, ini tidak menyimpang daripada apa yang ingin saya sampaikan - iaitu kemungkinan pulangan yang amat tinggi daripada penggunaan waran dengan bijak. Bagaimana caranya? Sebagai permulaan, anda perlu melabur di dalam sesebuah perniagaan yang kitarannya hampir dengan jurang - ini satu prinsip baik untuk pelaburan jangka panjang, walaupun anda tidak menggunakan waran.
Contoh perniagaan berkitaran tinggi ialah teknologi, perbankan, pembinaan dan perumahan. Selepas itu, waran itu mestilah mempunyai gearing" tinggi untuk memperolehi kelebihan. Mungkin, inilah saja yang mesti anda fikirkan jika anda mahukan pulangan tinggi. Tapi ia belum berakhir di sini. Anda juga perlukan langkah keselamatan untuk memastikan anda tidak membuang duit begitu saja.

Pertama, anda mesti melabur dalam waran syarikat yang kukuh. Lupakan syarikat spekulasi. Kedua, waran mesti mempunyai masa yang panjang untuk matang, supaya ia boleh bertembung dengan kenaikan harga apabila kitaran perniagaan bergerak ke fasa menaik. Bergantung kepada jenis perniagaan, saya nasihatkan hayat waran tidak harus kurang daripada tiga tahun. Ketiga, harga laksana mestilah tidak terlampau tinggi daripada harga saham semasa. Keempat, anda mesti pastikan perniagaan itu hanya berada dalam jurang kitarnya dan bukan mengalami kejatuhan struktur. Strategi ini tidak akan berjaya jika anda melabur dalam waran sebuah syarikat yang terbabit dalam penggalian timah contohnya. Akhirnya, anda mesti selesa dengan kemajuan syarikat itu, contohnya - syarikat itu tidak akan dijual, atau berhenti beroperasi sebelum keadaan sempat pulih.

Sebelum saya akhiri, saya mesti menjelaskan beberapa perkara. Waran ialah satu alat berisiko tinggi bukan saja kerana ketidaktentuannya tetapi juga kemungkinan besar anda hilang semua pelaburan. Anda tidak sepatutnya memikirkan kemungkinan melabur semua simpanan anda ke dalam waran hanya kerana inginkan pulangan sebanyak 10 kali atau lebih. Saya hanya menggalakkan strategi ini untuk sebahagian kecil portfolio anda atau melabur sejumlah wang yang kecil, yang tidak akan memberikan kesan jika anda rugi.

(Yeoh Keat Seng ialah Ketua Eksekutif Commerce Trust Bhd. E-mel

Monday, January 11, 2016

Tips Projek Tanam Timun Part 5

Pokok Timun
Pokok Timun

Alhamdulillah buah sulung,Insyallah akan menyusul lagi hat lain. Semoga projek ini dapat memberikan semangat untuk projek2 lain.
Pokok Timun
Pokok Timun

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung (SAP)

SAP (Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung) dalam bahasa jerman atau (Sistem Analisis dan Program Pembangunan adalah merupakan Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)  yg dapat mengintegrasikan seluruh proses perniagaan secara realtime. Ianya :-
  • Modul-modul dalam SAP boleh dipecahkan dan digunakan mengikut kesesuaian keperluan organisasi.
  •  Dapat mengabungkan dan mengembangkan semua aplikasi dalam satu persekitaran yang sama,
  • Modul-modul SAP saling berkait dan dapat mengemaskini modul lain apabila terdapat modul lain yg telah dikemaskini.

SAP is a package with minimal customizations and the company implementing the same may have to re-orient its business processes to fall in line with SAP requirements.

Latarbelakang SAP

Kelebihan penggunaan SAP


Bagi menggunakan SAP , lesen yang digunakan adalah per user  agak mahal sehingga mencapai jutaan ringgit untuk lesen  sahaja . Kebiasaan SAP digunakan untuk syarikat besar dan multinasional seperti Pertronas dan Hitachi.

5 Faedah RTOS Linux Kernel - Apa Itu Sistem Operasi Masa Nyata (RTOS) di Malaysia

Di VIENNA dimana selepas 20 Tahun, Real-Time Linux Akhirnya Masuk ke Dalam Kernel Utama Linux. Itulah pada yang memahami bagaimana berkemban...