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Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
OpenFiler 2.99
This is part 1 in a proof of concept serious involving the creation of a RAID 1 iSCSI Target using OpenFiler 2.13 and Vmware Server 2. We will purposely fail one of the virtual disks in the array rebuild the array and verify the data. In part one of the series we will create the Raid 1 array. In subsequent parts we will create an ISCSI Target, connect Windows Vista using iSCSI Initiator and simulate RAID 1 drive failure and recovery. The OpenFiler vmware appliance is free to download and use. The installation of both Vmware Server 2 and OpenFiler 2.13 vmware appliance will not be covered here.
Create VMware virtual disks
From the VMware Server 2 web administration create two 50 MB disks for the OpenFiler VMware guest accepting the VMware defaults.
Create Raid Partitions
As seen in Figure 1, navigate to openfiler > Volumes > Block Devices and select the first of our newly created disks /dev/sdb.
FIGURE 1: opefiler > Volumes > Block Devices
Create a RAID array partition by selecting Partition Type: “RAID array member” for the entire cylinder range (default) and clicking “Create”. See Figure 2. The resulting RAID partition should like as seen in Figure 3. Repeat the previous steps to create a RAID partition for /dev/sdc
FIGURE 2: opefiler > Volumes > Block Devices > /dev/sdb
FIGURE 3: openfiler > Volumes > Block Devices > /dev/sdb
Create New Raid 1 Array
Once the two raid devices have been created navigate to openfiler > Volumes > Software Raid as seen in Figure 4 below. Select RAID-1 from the drop down menu, leave the chunk size at default, select the two raid devices as seen in Figure 4 and click “Add array”. The resulting raid array information will be displayed as seen in Figure 5.
Figure 4: openfiler > Volumes > Software Raid
Figure 5: openfiler > Volumes > Software Raid
Create New Volume Group
Navigate to openfiler > Volumes > Volume Groups and create the new volume group “volgroupraid001”. If this is not your preferred volume group naming convention, change it to your liking. After entering your “Volume group name”, select our newly created Raid 1 volume /dev/md0 and click “Add volume group” as seen in Figure 6. The resulting Volume Group is displayed as seen in Figure 7.
Figure 6: openfile > Volumes > Volume Groups
Figure 7: openfiler > Volumes > Volume Groups
Create New Volume
Navigate to openfiler > Volume>Add Volume select our “volgroupraid001” volume group, enter the name our new volume “volraid001”, fill in a description, enter the Required Space” (32MB) and be sure to select the proper “Filesystem Type” of iSCSI. Click “Create” when ready. See Figure 8 below. The resulting Volume Group will be as seen in Figure 9.
Figure 8: openfiler > Volume > Add Volume
Figure 9: openfiler > Volumes > Manager Volumes
In our next section we will create the OpenFiler iSCSI Target using our newly created RAID 1 volume.
This is part 1 in a proof of concept serious involving the creation of a RAID 1 iSCSI Target using OpenFiler 2.13 and Vmware Server 2. We will purposely fail one of the virtual disks in the array rebuild the array and verify the data. In part one of the series we will create the Raid 1 array. In subsequent parts we will create an ISCSI Target, connect Windows Vista using iSCSI Initiator and simulate RAID 1 drive failure and recovery. The OpenFiler vmware appliance is free to download and use. The installation of both Vmware Server 2 and OpenFiler 2.13 vmware appliance will not be covered here.
Create VMware virtual disks
From the VMware Server 2 web administration create two 50 MB disks for the OpenFiler VMware guest accepting the VMware defaults.
Create Raid Partitions
As seen in Figure 1, navigate to openfiler > Volumes > Block Devices and select the first of our newly created disks /dev/sdb.
FIGURE 1: opefiler > Volumes > Block Devices
Create a RAID array partition by selecting Partition Type: “RAID array member” for the entire cylinder range (default) and clicking “Create”. See Figure 2. The resulting RAID partition should like as seen in Figure 3. Repeat the previous steps to create a RAID partition for /dev/sdc
FIGURE 2: opefiler > Volumes > Block Devices > /dev/sdb
FIGURE 3: openfiler > Volumes > Block Devices > /dev/sdb
Create New Raid 1 Array
Once the two raid devices have been created navigate to openfiler > Volumes > Software Raid as seen in Figure 4 below. Select RAID-1 from the drop down menu, leave the chunk size at default, select the two raid devices as seen in Figure 4 and click “Add array”. The resulting raid array information will be displayed as seen in Figure 5.
Figure 4: openfiler > Volumes > Software Raid
Figure 5: openfiler > Volumes > Software Raid
Create New Volume Group
Navigate to openfiler > Volumes > Volume Groups and create the new volume group “volgroupraid001”. If this is not your preferred volume group naming convention, change it to your liking. After entering your “Volume group name”, select our newly created Raid 1 volume /dev/md0 and click “Add volume group” as seen in Figure 6. The resulting Volume Group is displayed as seen in Figure 7.
Figure 6: openfile > Volumes > Volume Groups
Figure 7: openfiler > Volumes > Volume Groups
Create New Volume
Navigate to openfiler > Volume>Add Volume select our “volgroupraid001” volume group, enter the name our new volume “volraid001”, fill in a description, enter the Required Space” (32MB) and be sure to select the proper “Filesystem Type” of iSCSI. Click “Create” when ready. See Figure 8 below. The resulting Volume Group will be as seen in Figure 9.
Figure 8: openfiler > Volume > Add Volume
Figure 9: openfiler > Volumes > Manager Volumes
In our next section we will create the OpenFiler iSCSI Target using our newly created RAID 1 volume.
OpenFiler 2.99 - Attempted to Create Software Raid 1 Array - Failed...
Heres the code you need to get RAID1 working on Openfiler 2.99:
You need to type the following commands into the shell.
conary update
This will install the correct mdadm files, once installed type the next command in.
ln -s /sbin/lvm /usr/sbin/lvm
This ensures that the GUI is populated correctly.
This will then allow you to create all of the software RAID types without issue.
I extracted this info from here:
You need to type the following commands into the shell.
conary update
This will install the correct mdadm files, once installed type the next command in.
ln -s /sbin/lvm /usr/sbin/lvm
This ensures that the GUI is populated correctly.
This will then allow you to create all of the software RAID types without issue.
I extracted this info from here:
Friday, April 01, 2011
Dionea - Honeypot
Copy N Paste from
After a lot of reading, a few very late nights, and a fair bit of indecision I decided to install Dionaea. It was down to mwcollectd or Dionaea as my next choice for a 30 day test, but I had quite a few issues getting mwcollectd running properly. I think this is mostly due to my lack of experience compiling stuff in linux, and also not understanding what to do when things fail or don't compile as expected. So I moved on and began to follow Markus' extensive Dionaea install documentation.
My first few attempts failed, in epic fashion. Initially for some unknown reason I decided to install Python 3 from testing... even though the documentation says to compile it. This brought up issues with sqlite3, again frustrating but a good learning experience. Follow the doco! In the end I had to make a slight modification to the ./configure script when compiling Dionaea, as Cython was not being found. Other than that the install was very smooth. I installed Dionaea under Debian 64bit, chose KDE graphical install and left the 'Standard System' and 'Desktop Environment' options checked.
I thought it would be a good idea to post the steps I took to install Dionaea, not sure if it is of use to anyone else. It's basically just a rehash of Markus' documentation.
1. Stuff from APT
apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev python-dev libtool automake autoconf build-essential subversion git-core flex bison pkg-config
2. gettext / glib
apt-get install gettext
tar xfj glib-2.20.4.tar.bz2
rm glib-2.20.4.tar.bz2
cd glib-2.20.4/
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
3. liblcfg
git clone git:// liblcfg
cd liblcfg/code
autoreconf -vi
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd /usr/local/src
4. libemu
git clone git:// libemu
cd libemu
autoreconf -vi
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
5. libnl (optional)
git clone git://
cd libnl
autoreconf -vi
export LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/opt/dionaea/lib
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
6. libev
tar xfz libev-3.9.tar.gz
rm libev-3.9.tar.gz
cd libev-3.9
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
7. Cython
tar xfz Cython-0.12.1.tar.gz
rm Cython-0.12.1.tar.gz
cd Cython-0.12.1
python build
python install
8. sqlite3
apt-get install sqlite3
9. Python 3.1.2
tar xfz Python-3.1.2.tgz
rm Python-3.1.2.tgz
cd Python-3.1.2/
./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/opt/dionaea --with-computed-gotos \
--enable-ipv6 LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/dionaea/lib/"
make install
cd ..
10. libxml2-dev
apt-get install libxml2-dev
11. libxslt1-dev
aptitude install libxslt1-dev
12. lxml
tar xfz lxml-2.2.6.tgz
rm lxml-2.2.6.tgz
cd lxml-2.2.6
/opt/dionaea/bin/2to3 -w src/lxml/html/
/opt/dionaea/bin/2to3 -w src/lxml/html/
/opt/dionaea/bin/python3 build
/opt/dionaea/bin/python3 install
cd ..
13. udns
tar xfz udns_0.0.9.tar.gz
rm udns_0.0.9.tar.gz
cd udns-0.0.9/
make shared
cp udns.h /opt/dionaea/include/
cp *.so* /opt/dionaea/lib/
cd /opt/dionaea/lib
ln -s
cd /usr/local/src
14. Curl & C-ares
tar xfz c-ares-1.7.3.tar.gz
cd c-ares-1.7.3
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
tar xfj curl-7.20.0.tar.bz2
rm curl-7.20.0.tar.bz2
cd curl-7.20.0
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
15. libpcap
tar xfz libpcap-1.1.1.tar.gz
rm libpcap-1.1.1.tar.gz
cd libpcap-1.1.1
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
16. Dionaea (with my own changes on the Cython line from '/usr/local/bin' to '/usr/bin')
git clone git:// dionaea
cd dionaea
autoreconf -vi
./configure --with-lcfg-include=/opt/dionaea/include/ \
--with-lcfg-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-python=/opt/dionaea/bin/python3.1 \
--with-cython-dir=/usr/bin \
--with-udns-include=/opt/dionaea/include/ \
--with-udns-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-emu-include=/opt/dionaea/include/ \
--with-emu-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-gc-include=/usr/include/gc \
--with-ev-include=/opt/dionaea/include \
--with-ev-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib \
--with-nl-include=/opt/dionaea/include \
--with-nl-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-curl-config=/opt/dionaea/bin/ \
--with-pcap-include=/opt/dionaea/include \
--with-pcap-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
make install
Running Dionaea
cd /opt/dionaea/bin/
./dionaea -l all,-debug -L '*'
Within moments of launching Dionaea connection attempts began pouring in, mostly rejected attempts. After around 30 minutes the first sample was received along with some interesting colours flying past - looking forward to going through the logs later this evening. Now all that's left to do is get the p0f ihandler turned on. So far things are looking promising.
Getting Dionaea up and running has been a great experience. I've learned a lot about compiling, dependencies, issues, and Debian in general. I'm very keen to see what kind of information it can produce over the coming month.
- Cooper
*update: 27th November 2010 - Updated Dionaea Install Instructions
After a lot of reading, a few very late nights, and a fair bit of indecision I decided to install Dionaea. It was down to mwcollectd or Dionaea as my next choice for a 30 day test, but I had quite a few issues getting mwcollectd running properly. I think this is mostly due to my lack of experience compiling stuff in linux, and also not understanding what to do when things fail or don't compile as expected. So I moved on and began to follow Markus' extensive Dionaea install documentation.
My first few attempts failed, in epic fashion. Initially for some unknown reason I decided to install Python 3 from testing... even though the documentation says to compile it. This brought up issues with sqlite3, again frustrating but a good learning experience. Follow the doco! In the end I had to make a slight modification to the ./configure script when compiling Dionaea, as Cython was not being found. Other than that the install was very smooth. I installed Dionaea under Debian 64bit, chose KDE graphical install and left the 'Standard System' and 'Desktop Environment' options checked.
I thought it would be a good idea to post the steps I took to install Dionaea, not sure if it is of use to anyone else. It's basically just a rehash of Markus' documentation.
1. Stuff from APT
apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev python-dev libtool automake autoconf build-essential subversion git-core flex bison pkg-config
2. gettext / glib
apt-get install gettext
tar xfj glib-2.20.4.tar.bz2
rm glib-2.20.4.tar.bz2
cd glib-2.20.4/
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
3. liblcfg
git clone git:// liblcfg
cd liblcfg/code
autoreconf -vi
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd /usr/local/src
4. libemu
git clone git:// libemu
cd libemu
autoreconf -vi
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
5. libnl (optional)
git clone git://
cd libnl
autoreconf -vi
export LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/opt/dionaea/lib
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
6. libev
tar xfz libev-3.9.tar.gz
rm libev-3.9.tar.gz
cd libev-3.9
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
7. Cython
tar xfz Cython-0.12.1.tar.gz
rm Cython-0.12.1.tar.gz
cd Cython-0.12.1
python build
python install
8. sqlite3
apt-get install sqlite3
9. Python 3.1.2
tar xfz Python-3.1.2.tgz
rm Python-3.1.2.tgz
cd Python-3.1.2/
./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/opt/dionaea --with-computed-gotos \
--enable-ipv6 LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/dionaea/lib/"
make install
cd ..
10. libxml2-dev
apt-get install libxml2-dev
11. libxslt1-dev
aptitude install libxslt1-dev
12. lxml
tar xfz lxml-2.2.6.tgz
rm lxml-2.2.6.tgz
cd lxml-2.2.6
/opt/dionaea/bin/2to3 -w src/lxml/html/
/opt/dionaea/bin/2to3 -w src/lxml/html/
/opt/dionaea/bin/python3 build
/opt/dionaea/bin/python3 install
cd ..
13. udns
tar xfz udns_0.0.9.tar.gz
rm udns_0.0.9.tar.gz
cd udns-0.0.9/
make shared
cp udns.h /opt/dionaea/include/
cp *.so* /opt/dionaea/lib/
cd /opt/dionaea/lib
ln -s
cd /usr/local/src
14. Curl & C-ares
tar xfz c-ares-1.7.3.tar.gz
cd c-ares-1.7.3
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
tar xfj curl-7.20.0.tar.bz2
rm curl-7.20.0.tar.bz2
cd curl-7.20.0
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
15. libpcap
tar xfz libpcap-1.1.1.tar.gz
rm libpcap-1.1.1.tar.gz
cd libpcap-1.1.1
./configure --prefix=/opt/dionaea
make install
cd ..
16. Dionaea (with my own changes on the Cython line from '/usr/local/bin' to '/usr/bin')
git clone git:// dionaea
cd dionaea
autoreconf -vi
./configure --with-lcfg-include=/opt/dionaea/include/ \
--with-lcfg-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-python=/opt/dionaea/bin/python3.1 \
--with-cython-dir=/usr/bin \
--with-udns-include=/opt/dionaea/include/ \
--with-udns-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-emu-include=/opt/dionaea/include/ \
--with-emu-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-gc-include=/usr/include/gc \
--with-ev-include=/opt/dionaea/include \
--with-ev-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib \
--with-nl-include=/opt/dionaea/include \
--with-nl-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
--with-curl-config=/opt/dionaea/bin/ \
--with-pcap-include=/opt/dionaea/include \
--with-pcap-lib=/opt/dionaea/lib/ \
make install
Running Dionaea
cd /opt/dionaea/bin/
./dionaea -l all,-debug -L '*'
Within moments of launching Dionaea connection attempts began pouring in, mostly rejected attempts. After around 30 minutes the first sample was received along with some interesting colours flying past - looking forward to going through the logs later this evening. Now all that's left to do is get the p0f ihandler turned on. So far things are looking promising.
Getting Dionaea up and running has been a great experience. I've learned a lot about compiling, dependencies, issues, and Debian in general. I'm very keen to see what kind of information it can produce over the coming month.
- Cooper
*update: 27th November 2010 - Updated Dionaea Install Instructions
Friday, March 25, 2011
Metasploit Framework
Installation on Ubuntu Linux
The Metasploit Framework is well-supported on the Ubuntu platform. The following instructions should also apply to Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Debian.
If these instructions do not work for your version of Ubuntu, please try the Generic Linux instructions instead.
Install the Ruby dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby libopenssl-ruby libyaml-ruby libdl-ruby libiconv-ruby libreadline-ruby irb ri rubygems
Install the Subversion client:
$ sudo apt-get install subversion
In order to build the native extensions (pcaprub, lorcon2, etc), the following packages need to be installed:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential ruby-dev libpcap-dev
Metasploit Framework
Once the dependencies have been installed, download the Unix tarball from the download page and run the following commands:
$ tar xf framework-3.X.tar.gz
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/metasploit3
$ sudo cp -a msf3/ /opt/metasploit3/msf3
$ sudo chown root:root -R /opt/metasploit3/msf3
$ sudo ln -sf /opt/metasploit3/msf3/msf* /usr/local/bin/
When you've completed this step, you should have a working installation and be able to run modules, pivot through compromised systems, and use most of the Metasploit Framework's features. The following optional installation steps will give you extra functionality.
Database Configuration (optional)
Now that the framework is installed, you'll want to configure a database connection, and enable the Metasploit Framework to connect to it:
For postgres, see postgres_setup (recommended)
For mysql, see mysql_setup
For sqlite, see sqlite_setup (not supported!!).
Extensions (optional)
The Metasploit Framework includes a few native Ruby extensions that must be compiled in order to use certain types of modules.
To enable raw socket modules:
$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
$ sudo bash
# cd /opt/metasploit3/msf3/external/pcaprub/
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install
To enable WiFi modules:
$ sudo bash
# cd /opt/metasploit3/msf3/external/ruby-lorcon2/
# svn co lorcon2
# cd lorcon2
# ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install
# cd ..
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install
The Metasploit Framework is updated daily with the latest exploits, payloads, features, and bug fixes. To update your installation of the Metasploit Framework:
$ sudo svn update /opt/metasploit3/msf3/
This can also be installed into the root user's crontab:
$ sudo crontab -e -u root # enter the line below
1 * * * * /usr/bin/svn update /opt/metasploit3/msf3/ >> /var/log/msfupdate.log 2>&1
The Metasploit Framework is well-supported on the Ubuntu platform. The following instructions should also apply to Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Debian.
If these instructions do not work for your version of Ubuntu, please try the Generic Linux instructions instead.
Install the Ruby dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby libopenssl-ruby libyaml-ruby libdl-ruby libiconv-ruby libreadline-ruby irb ri rubygems
Install the Subversion client:
$ sudo apt-get install subversion
In order to build the native extensions (pcaprub, lorcon2, etc), the following packages need to be installed:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential ruby-dev libpcap-dev
Metasploit Framework
Once the dependencies have been installed, download the Unix tarball from the download page and run the following commands:
$ tar xf framework-3.X.tar.gz
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/metasploit3
$ sudo cp -a msf3/ /opt/metasploit3/msf3
$ sudo chown root:root -R /opt/metasploit3/msf3
$ sudo ln -sf /opt/metasploit3/msf3/msf* /usr/local/bin/
When you've completed this step, you should have a working installation and be able to run modules, pivot through compromised systems, and use most of the Metasploit Framework's features. The following optional installation steps will give you extra functionality.
Database Configuration (optional)
Now that the framework is installed, you'll want to configure a database connection, and enable the Metasploit Framework to connect to it:
For postgres, see postgres_setup (recommended)
For mysql, see mysql_setup
For sqlite, see sqlite_setup (not supported!!).
Extensions (optional)
The Metasploit Framework includes a few native Ruby extensions that must be compiled in order to use certain types of modules.
To enable raw socket modules:
$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
$ sudo bash
# cd /opt/metasploit3/msf3/external/pcaprub/
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install
To enable WiFi modules:
$ sudo bash
# cd /opt/metasploit3/msf3/external/ruby-lorcon2/
# svn co lorcon2
# cd lorcon2
# ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install
# cd ..
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install
The Metasploit Framework is updated daily with the latest exploits, payloads, features, and bug fixes. To update your installation of the Metasploit Framework:
$ sudo svn update /opt/metasploit3/msf3/
This can also be installed into the root user's crontab:
$ sudo crontab -e -u root # enter the line below
1 * * * * /usr/bin/svn update /opt/metasploit3/msf3/ >> /var/log/msfupdate.log 2>&1
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
How To Delete Remembered Network Passwords In Windows
A user asked in the forums about how to delete a cached password that is stored in Windows. When we want to access another computer (specifically Windows), sometimes if the remote computer requires a password to access its resources like files and printers, we have to give the username and password once and then it remains in the Windows Cache until it is restarted or logged off. And if we check the remember password option, then it remains in even after Windows restart. Here’s the method to delete cached Windows Network passwords:
Go to Start Menu –> Run –> control userpasswords2 and press Enter.
User Accounts Dialog Box will appear, Go to Advance Tab and Click on the Manage Password Button. In Stored User Names and Password press the Remove Button and Remove all users information that you want to delete.
Go to Start Menu –> Run –> control userpasswords2 and press Enter.
User Accounts Dialog Box will appear, Go to Advance Tab and Click on the Manage Password Button. In Stored User Names and Password press the Remove Button and Remove all users information that you want to delete.
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5 Faedah RTOS Linux Kernel - Apa Itu Sistem Operasi Masa Nyata (RTOS) di Malaysia
Di VIENNA dimana selepas 20 Tahun, Real-Time Linux Akhirnya Masuk ke Dalam Kernel Utama Linux. Itulah pada yang memahami bagaimana berkemban...
%20and%20Linux.%20The%20image%20should%20feature%20a%20side-by-side%20comparison,%20with%20one%20half%20representi.webp)