Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Mystile: Change Recent Products in Woocommerce

kalau nak tukar recent product kat woocomerce dalam wordpress kena la edit sket function kat dalam coding di

Mystile: theme-woocommerce.php (includes/theme-woocommerce.php)

Caranya :

Dashboard -> Appearance ->Editor -> ->Template ->



function mystile_recent_products() {
global $woo_options;
if (class_exists('woocommerce') && $woo_options[ 'woo_homepage_products' ] == "true" ) {
echo '

'.__('Recent Products-Test', 'woothemes').'

$productsperpage = $woo_options['woo_homepage_products_perpage'];
echo do_shortcode('[recent_products per_page="'.$productsperpage.'"]');
} // End query to see if products should be displayed

5 Faedah RTOS Linux Kernel - Apa Itu Sistem Operasi Masa Nyata (RTOS) di Malaysia

Di VIENNA dimana selepas 20 Tahun, Real-Time Linux Akhirnya Masuk ke Dalam Kernel Utama Linux. Itulah pada yang memahami bagaimana berkemban...