Ntah berapa kali guna web untuk backup kadangkala banyak halangan dan membuat perasaan yang membengangkan so kembali ke zaman porba kala kita gunakan command line. Cuba korank try syiok gak backup MYSQL. Single databases : korank gunakan command mysqldumb macam kat bawah ni
mysqldump database_name > database_name.sql
Multiple databases korank gunakan untuk multiple databse sekali backup
Plugin for redmine: Brings a better calendar and more oppurtunities to set holidays.
Only compatible/tested with redmine 3.0.X, 3.1.X, 3.2.X, 3.3.X and Ruby 2.2, Rails 4.2 Please test this plugin for other redmine versions and let me know if there are any bugs.
Standard redmine plugin installation: You can read the generic plugin installation guide here or you can use the following guide (Debian 7, Apache2/Passenger).
Go to your redmine plugins-folder cd /srv/redmine/plugins Download the latest plugin-Version: wget https://github.com/berti92/mega_calendar/archive/master.zip Unzip the downloaded zip-File unzip master.zip Rename the folder: mv mega_calendar-master mega_calendar Give the folder the right privileges in this case apache (to execute the command you must be root) chown -R www-data.www-data mega_calendar Go to the plugin folder cd /srv/redmine/plugins/mega_calendar Install the gems bundle Go back to your redmine folder cd /srv/redmine Migrate the database bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production Now restart your redmine and you can configure the plugin in the admin settings in redmine. To start redmine under apache2/passenger, please execute the following commands cd /srv/redmine touch tmp/restart.txt
Within a issue you are able to set a time as start and end, to get a better calendar view. On top of the page you can reach the calendar and holiday section.
Please make sure that you set your users, that will be allowed to use this plugin and that the sub-path is set to "/" without quotes at the plugin settings.